Sunday, April 07, 2013

Bad Guy without Gun Uses Good Guy's Gun to 
Murder Good Guy and Commit Suicide Inside 
Police Station


  1. JerryB8:29 AM

    The only thing that will stop a bad guy is a good guy with a gun unless the bad guy takes the good guys gun and kills the good guy but if the good guys gun kills the bad guy because the bad guy kills himself the the good guys gun killed the bad guy so....I so confused.

  2. StonyPillow8:51 AM

    Jeremy Powell was a bad guy with a gun. But when he stopped the bad guy with a gun, he became another good guy with a gun.

    So now two good guys with guns are dead. You'd think there must be a bad guy here somewhere. But ein, zwei, drei, kokolorum", he's gone!

  3. StonyPillow8:52 AM

    They want their freedom. I demand law and order.

  4. In a world where its bad guys with guns versus good guys with guns, I would bet the bad guys will eventually win and we'll all end up being either dead or bad guys with guns.
