Sunday, July 14, 2013

Following in the footsteps of Bernhard Goetz, George 
Zimmerman has announced plans to run for Mayor of 
Mosquito Grove, Florida on the Transfusion Party ticket.


  1. This is interesting. I've thought about this before seeing your post. I have to believe that Zimmerman is lower on the food chain than Goetz. Zimmerman went looking for trouble. Trouble found Goetz. On the other hand, Goetz fired more than one bullet. I seem to recall that Goetz said words like, "You don't look so bad," and shot again. I guess you have a case here.

  2. Goetz's victims were no angels, and he did serve time for a firearms violation. But he did (in 2001) run for Mayor of NYC, the factual basis for my analogy. Mosquito Grove, Florida needs a good mayor, doncha think?
