Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Time to pop open a bottle of Shiner Kosmos
and get metaphysical.


  1. JerryB8:49 PM

    One of the great opportunities of my life was the chance, many years ago to live in Germany for two years. While I was there I took advantage of the opportunity and consumed as much beer of as many different varieties I possibly could.

    It was wonderful.

    The down side to all of that is that it made it almost impossible for me to find any beer stateside that I could stand the taste. Practically gave up drinking beer for almost thirty years.

  2. Up until ten years ago, I always bought the cheapest beer on the shelf: Schlitz, Old Milwaukee, Milwaukee's Best, Schaefer, Olympia, Red Dog, Stroh's, Hamm's, Pabst Blue Ribbon, etc. Now I only purchase craft beers and imports. I will only give up drinking beer when I'm planted six feet under.

  3. JerryB8:55 AM

    My problem now is there are so many now I have no idea what good and what sucks. Don't want to waste my money.

  4. You can limit your choices by shopping at Kroger or Tom Thumb. Or you can go crazy trying to decide at Central Market.
