Monday, September 09, 2013

Q:  Where do hypocrites go when they die?
A:  They are buried in whited sepulchres, like this one, 
where President Obama will go someday.


  1. What's hypocritical about Obama? Clue me in?

  2. Should I make a list, or would one example do?

  3. Try one. Let's see what you got?

  4. Obama's Call for Transparency Vis-a-Vis the Bush Administration's 'torture memos' vs. Obama's Defense of Secrecy Vis-a-Vis Drone Strikes on U.S. Citizens

  5. (1) How is torture comparable to drones?
    (2) Drone attacks on selected American citizens overseas can be legitimate,in my book. (Chillin' Billin').

  6. The issue is Obama's hypocrisy concerning transparency, not torture or drones.

  7. I don't have much issue on transparency pertaining to torture, and I do not have much issue over the lack of transparency pertaining to drones.

  8. Whether you have an issue over the Bush Administration's lack of transparency re: the 'torture memos' is beside the point. The point is this: Obama did. And that's what makes the Obama Administration's lack of transparency re: 'drone strikes on U.S. citizens' hypocritical.

  9. If I interpret you correctly, you think American government should maintain perfect transparency in all areas of policy? No exceptions?

  10. Whether you interpret me correctly or not, Mr. Rawles, the question at issue was---and still is---Barack Obama's hypocrisy. Since you don't seem to be inclined to address that issue any longer, I suggest we move on.
