Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Turtleman?  Ha!  If I weren't high as a kite right now,
 Ernie Brown, I'd snap your hand off!"


  1. When I was a kid we had a snapping turtle, bigger than that one, show up on our lawn and sit there. We were all excited and circled around it wondering what to do. Then our babysitter came out of the house. A sweet young thing but dumb as a bag of hammers. She too a piece of hay about 5 inches long and went up to the turtle and tickled its nose.As she was doing this, her head was about even with her hand. I can only imagine the turtle was so astonished at her foolishness he forgot to rip her face off. We then took her back in the house, then killed the turtle and buried it in the vegetable garden where it grew fine tomatoes.

  2. My first tete-a-tete with a snapper was in the middle of the highway on my way to a preaching assignment in Old Glory, Texas back in 1964. I will never forget the hiss.
