Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Robin Williams is dead. 
Lauren Bacall is dead. 
Arlene Martel is dead. 
Rush Limbaugh is alive. 
Has the Grim Reaper no shame?


  1. add Bill Hicks to the one, and pick a Neo Con (i vote Cheney) for the other.

    but there's still hope, i hear..... well ...i hear one needn't have hope to persever...? i suppose. but i prefer to avoid hope in a more constructive way -- not so ultimately ... bleak...

    (wait, no one here but me -- to have been bleak -- ah, so -- but neverthefuckingless)

    the Method is Science.
    the Agenda: our Own.

    -- i have put this better in verse perhaps, here, or perhaps <a href=" >here.</a>

    i may come to excuse such gregarious hyperlinking (by means, in this instance, of a strong pot of excellent Assam),
    but trust that the owner of a profile such as yours will not by this be dismayed.

    so good to still be alive.

    <i>be seeing you.</i>

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