Friday, June 19, 2015

Duck to Continue Nesting Atop Abe
 Lincoln's Head Until the Confederate 
Flag Stops Flying in South Carolina


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    As a life-long South Carolinian, I have to say the biggest mistake this country ever made was not saying Goodbye! when SC seceded from the union. There are a lot of good people in this state, but on balance it is a den of racist Jesus freaks.

  2. My father's line landed in Charleston in 1760 and farmed in SC until about 1890, when they moved on to Texas and then Oklahoma. I just finished Shelby Foote's 3-volume 'The Civil War' and SC whites certainly have a heavy burden of guilt for the dark side of American history.

  3. Back in 2001, I happened to be visiting in the United States Capitol when I saw Strom Thurmond---twice---shuffling along with the help of two aides. He was about 99 at the time and could not walk unassisted.
