Friday, March 17, 2017

Yes, her name is Charla McComic.  And, yes, she's a Trumpnik.
Next question?


  1. Is she aware yet that it is not trumpcare that helped her but Obamacare. Is she also aware trumpcare will take that health care away from her and millions of others. but they will $2000 to help her pay for higher cost insurance that does nothing.

  2. Oh wait I can't say trump care will give you $2000 for higher cost insurance and do nothing. Because it will make sure they pull the needle out or stop any life saving treatment you need once you meet your cap. So I guess that is something to look forward to right from your great dictator trump charla mccomic

  3. Anonymous2:05 PM

    And it said in the newspaper article that she is a former teacher. God help the kids she taught. This woman has to be one of the most ignorant people in the USA. She and all the Trumpeter idiots don't even realize they've BEEN DUPED. Pure ignorance.

  4. A stand-up McComic she is! As a retired educator and the husband of a retired educator, I shuddered at the thought of this person in the same room as school children.

  5. You stupid woman! What in the hell do you think you're doing? You are so ignorant!! How in the hell can you live with yourself? Do all of us, this entire COUNTRY in fact, a favor and place a gun against your temple and pull the trigger. YOU DO NOT belong on this Earth! You sick, sickening woman!

  6. Her face suggests she might be good at Rodney Dangerfield impressions.
