Sunday, April 08, 2018

When in Doubt, Ralph Whips It Out


  1. Son of Strom10:18 AM

    I know this jackass. Good looking guy that looks like a Central Casting politician, but as right wing as any crazy looking Ted Cruz.
    Trump won his district by 20%; this asshat won (Mulvaney's old district) by 3%. If you have some cash laying around consider sending a bit to the SC 5th District for Archie Parnell(D), who's running again after almost pulling off the upset.
    Maybe we can send Ralph to a home for reformed ammosexuals where he can polish his gun during his golden years.

  2. If he came that close in 2016, Parnell's chances would seem to be even better in 2018.

    Ralph Norman, the Man with the Shiny Golden Gun!
