Thursday, May 03, 2018

As the Whited Sepulchre prayed, 
the Grape of Wrath fermented.


  1. While Pence has a convo with the voice in his head, Trump wants it over so they can go back to praising him.

  2. Here tell they're now claiming Trump begins every cabinet meeting with a prayer.

  3. you can just see trump stewing with revenge fantasy.... so funny. love the tag line 'grape of wrath'. thanks.

  4. Son of Strom10:47 AM

    I don't doubt Trump starts each meeting with a prayer. One of the vilest, most unethical people I ever knew insisting on starting his meetings with a prayer. Gave him a sheen of piety rather than having to actually do anything worthwhile.

  5. I was glad to see that George Will has seen that Pence is worse than Trump.
