Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lady Fearguth's Garden of
Earthly Delights #6
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Nectaring on Buddleia
[Click to Embiggen]


  1. Okay- time for Mrs. Fearguth to start a picture blog. These are great pictures.

  2. Thanks, One Fly. I've considered a picture blog, but feared that no one else would really care. Maybe I'll think about it.

  3. Please do. It's hard for me to get a post up a week so it's not like you will/or need to be like your hubby or something like that.

    I mean after all that boy must have a problem but I still like him a lot.

    It's fun damn it!

  4. Talking in front of my back, eh, Fly? [:

  5. Your Buddelia lived? I bought two Lo and Behold dwarf ones this year. The one I had last year thrived but didn't make it through this horrible winter. I took good care of them both and they both completely bit the dust in the heat this summer. I am not going to bother again, but they are so pretty. Maybe the larger or more established ones did better?
    I would visit your picture blog!

  6. Yes, Betsy, I don't think I lost anything during the winter; that was a surprise. I cannot say the same for the present. We will not know the full extent of losses until next year, or even two years in the case of some trees. Natives are doing the best.
