Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"The other day, Governor Perry, you referred to Barack
Obama as a 'big black cloud' hanging over America.  In
your estimation, is the President more stratocumulus or


  1. "A couple of years ago," the Guv would reply in a moment of uncharacteristic honesty, "We feared it was a cumulonimbus. Turned out it was just a ground-fog and the only thing about it to give offense was the 'black' part. If that was a white man up there doing what he's doing, but calling himself a Republican, we'd have no argument."

  2. It has been my experience here that the Republican party is a racist party in every sense of the word. When President Obama was elected I was around white, very well-off republicans that liked to share their snickering little racist jokes with me. Little did they now that I was an undercover liberal white long-haired pinko stoner from the sixties. After a while of me not laughing I was not talked to much.

  3. Growing up in the Blackland Prairie part of Texas, people around these parts were proud to say, "welcome to the Blackest Land and the Whitest People." Texas was, back then, almost 100% Democratic. When LBJ turned race traitor with the Civil Rights Act, that's when the racist leopard changed its spots and became Republican.
