Monday, February 20, 2012

Grand Inquisitor Santorum and his ruthlessly efficient band
of men in nice red uniforms had put the little lady on the rack
for her 'phony theology' and 'radical environmentalism'.  


  1. This is horrifyingly close to the truth. This man turns my stomach because he's hiding big secrets. I sure hope they get released in a timely manner.

  2. Inasmuch as Mr. Santorum is scaring the bejesus out of the so-called 'Republican Establishment', I'm sure the oppo researchers are working overtime. In the meantime, the so-called 'Republican Base' really has no one else to turn to. In Texas, for example, the latest poll shows Santorum leading Romney 45% to 16%. As a Texas native, I can believe it.

  3. Finally! The Repuglican base is going to get exactly what they deserve.

  4. Base: "Without moral principles; ignoble."
