Friday, January 22, 2010

Senator John Thune,
Corporate Concubine


Betsy said...

I have a prediction. Our Next President.
White (perhaps with a vaguely latino sounding last name), handsome, very personable. No record to cricise (maybe a well liked governor) Populist, religious, war friendly (later mongering), probably a Republican this time, later all bets are off. But none of this will matter in the least because he will just be a corporate figurehead and nobody will be able to hold him accountable for anything, and few will try. Those who do--like you and me, will not be heard. The Supreme Court decision has written finis for the American Republic.

Fearguth said...

Why don't we cut out the middleman--the Congress--and turn the entire country into one gigantic corporation led by a CEO with the characteristics you delineate?

Betsy said...

Probably will if we last that long, but how could "they" ever agree on what they want. It will be an interesting sort of anarchy in the boardrooms...