Saturday, February 10, 2007
corner of the picture, you know you're viewing a genuine
image of Michelle Malkin, not a counterfeit.
Michelle Malkin,
Right-Wing Personalities
Friday, February 09, 2007
for years by allegations that its pre-Iraq-war work was somehow
'unlawful' or 'unauthorized' and that some information it gave
to congressional committees was deceptive or misleading. WMDs
were in Iraq and they still are; you just can't see them. And when
Saddam Hussein married Osama bin Laden, he gave his bride
the destruction of the World Trade Center as a wedding present."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
"I predict that Iraq won't have a civil war, that it will have
a viable constitution, and that a majority of Iraqis and
Americans will, in two years time, agree that the war was
worth it. I'll bet $1,000 (which I can hardly spare right now)."
Jonah Goldberg, February 8, 2007:
"I offered the bet in a foolish fit of pique with Juan Cole.
.... I've admitted that Cole would have won. I've written
that the Iraq War was a mistake. .... I join a long list of
people whose expectations about the war and its
handling turned out to be wrong in whole or in part. ....
For the record, I still support staying there, because
even if it was a mistake to go in when and how we
did, that doesn't mean a precipitous withdrawal
will make things better."

my brother, Rick, something fierce. I am very proud of
him, even though he's not nearly as famous as I am. In
no way do I endorse anything he writes, even when he praises
me with words, like, 'Well done, brother. And thanks'.
But I will never disavow him, even if he joins the
Ku Klux Klan. I will always defend him as an honorable
man, even if he is arrested someday for being a serial killer.
And I really don't care what anyone says about it. He is
my brother, and blood is even thicker than my hair."
man, even if he is arrested someday for being a serial killer.
And I really don't care what anyone says about it. He is
my brother, and blood is even thicker than my hair."

writes (re: the Amanda Marcotte affair): "Certainly our
motives lacked nobility. I will be the last to argue that
anything more than 'scalp hunting' animated this effort.
.... Is this all we are? Is this what we have become?"
Are there any answers to these rhetorical questions?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
gray beards? Why is the world ruled by
old men who wear hats to hide their
bald heads? Why is the world ruled by
old men who wear glasses to disguise their
myopia? Why is the world ruled by old
men who have ears filled with hearing aids?
Why is the world ruled by old men who
start wars for young men to die in?
Why is the world ruled by old men?
Federal Reserve Board, "'blog amnesty' means you link
only to blogs you read regularly. Of necessity, this means
you would link to a relatively small number of blogs. Were this
to become the rule in the blogosphere, the link structure
Google and Technorati use to search for--and rank--blogs
would break down. In the near term, this means the only blog
you will read regularly will be your own, because it will be
the only one you can find. In the long term, this would mean
both good news and bad news for the economy."
Policy and director of the Pentagon Office of Special
Plans, now teaches at the Georgetown University
Walsh School of Foreign Service. He is waiting to
see if he will put the long-awaited Pentagon Inspector
General's report on the Office of Special Plans on his
reading list for his popular course in techniques
of faking intelligence.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
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