but she was stopped at the line of scrimmage and forced to punt.
Saturday, July 19, 2008

bear true witness to all to whose eyes these presents may
come (whom God,our Lord, honor and preserve from evil),
that on the nineteenth day of the month of July of the year
two thousand and eight, I arrived in Houston, Texas, to
commence private fundraising in the exclusive River Oaks
neighborhood for the purpose of defending our homeland
against cold-blooded killer Democrats."
Democratic Party,
George Walker Bush
Intelligent Design,
Ken Ham

in office by slapping his name on a San Francisco sewage plant
has qualified for the November ballot. Opponents of the measure
say the plant is much too 'useful' to be named after Bush. "It
would be sorta like calling Dick Cheney an 'asshole'," a
spokesman for the opposition says. "At least the anus
serves a useful purpose."
Friday, July 18, 2008
in Austin, Michelle Malkin and her friends are holding a
shadow convention across town. What they're calling it isn't
exactly clear: the 'RightOnline New Media Summit',
'Defending the American Dream--Texas Summit'
are two variants you'll find online. The program features
appearances, in addition to Michelle, by such rightist
luminaries as Robert Novak, John Fund, and Grover
Norquist. The convention is being held in the
Renaissance Hotel (the Dark Ages Motel was
apparently already booked for the weekend), and the
registration fee is only $59 (which includes free bus
transportation to and from Austin). So, if you're
looking for some comic relief on these warm summer
days, you might want to check it out.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
George W. Bush ought to pardon any official from cabinet
secretary on down who might plausibly face prosecution
for interrogation methods approved by administration
lawyers." What a novel idea! Here's another: why not
prosecute Mr. Taylor for torturing logic, brutalizing
the rule of law, and insulting human intelligence?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
time of the 2004 e-mail exchange [with Karl Rove], and
was interacting with a source, a top aide to the president,
in the course of following an important and compelling story.
I regret the breezy nature of the correspondence." 'Breezy'
means 'displaying a light-hearted nonchalance'. This word
hardly describes what Fournier wrote to Rove about Pat
Tillman: "The Lord creates men and women like this all
over the world. But only the great and free countries allow
them to flourish. Keep up the fight." That sounds about as
'breezy' as 'Onward Christian Soldiers', doesn't it?
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
in Iraq. I know how to win the war in Afghanistan.
Why? Because I knew how to win the war in Vietnam.
Unfortunately, I was a prisoner of war at the time and
couldn't share my secret with the President."
Afghanistan War,
Iraq War,
John McCain,
Vietnam War

interrogation techniques' for several years, William 'Jim'
Haynes resigned from the Defense Department last February
to become Chief Corporate Counsel at Chevron, where his
duties include developing new techniques for torturing the
American people with higher and higher gasoline prices.
Donald Rumsfeld,
Gasoline Prices,
William Haynes II
the George W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation
has received a gift of $1,000,000 from the mayor of
Bumfuck, Egypt. I understand the donor is a great
admirer of President Bush and a devout Methodist."
Hat-Wearing Minuteman Urges GOP to Dump McCain
John McCain,
Monday, July 14, 2008
in memory loss between George Bush and John McCain, Mark
Sanford, the Republican Governor of South Carolina, replied:
"Um, yeah. For instance, take, you know, take, for instance,
the issue of -- I'm drawing a blank, and I hate it when I do
that, particularly on television."
George Walker Bush,
John McCain,
Mark Sanford,
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