Saturday, September 24, 2016

To say Ted Cruz is a 'caver' doesn't mean he's a 'spelunker'.
Palmer Luckey Foresees Eventual Merger of Virtual
Reality and Reality Television, Says "It'll Be Trump 24/7"
Big Bigots, Little Bigots #92
John Pisone
Q:  What is Kentucky Judge Tim Philpot's favorite band?
A:  Asleep at the Wheel

Friday, September 23, 2016

Big Bigots, Little Bigots #91
Steve Clevenger
The Dog Whistler
Don't Be a Glue Sniffer!
Have we reached Peak Cravenness yet?
Which Way Did He Go, Which Way Did He Go?
Man in the Moon Expected to Announce Support for Trump
"Brother, can you spare a dime?"
Kasie Hunt: "Why are you sticking your tongue out?"

Gary Johnson: "I have to bite my tongue to keep from
telling you what I really think."
Congressman Robert Pittenger (R-NC) Said to Be Big
Fan of Whitebread Panic
Pignorance Is Bliss
Ross Douthat Reacts to "The Rapid Colonization of New
 Cultural Territory by an Ascendant Social Liberalism"
The Trump Family Singers Performing
'We Were Grifting Along on Moonlight Bay'
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #669
Tim Philpot
Trump holds Mexican-American voters in such low esteem 
he won't even say, "No habla Español."
Original Gangsters
How Propaganda Works
I Lost It at the Movies
I Want to Be a Virtual Reality TV Star
Flag Desecration #94
Warm Scuzzies #709
Nimble America
Palmer Luckey, Poster Boy for Shitposters
And to think Donald Trump could have chosen Dwayne 
Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to be his running 
mate instead of stuffy old Mike Pence!
Does Gary Johnson realize that his chief rival for fame and
fortune is Emo Philips?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #668
James Davis
Remember when Glenn Reynolds urged us to run over
an entire nation of 25 million people?
Breitbart Logo Undergoes Racelift
Big Bigots, Little Bigots #90
Kathy Miller
Black Bart was a gentleman outlaw.
White Bart is a juvenile delinquent.
Brangelina?  Isn't that a brand of breakfast cereal?
Even while praying, Trump kept his eyes peeled for 
another lamb to fleece.
In North Carolina, there ain't no party like a 
Constipation Party.
Tennessee Law Professor Suspended from Twitter for 
Urging Drivers to Run Over North Carolina Protesters

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Politico Illustrated #47
'Cruz warms to Trump'
Jell-O Man Envies Trump's Ability to 
Fit into Every Gelatin Mold Known
to Man
'An Inmate Died of Thirst in a Jail Run by a 
Loudly Pro-Trump Sheriff'
Sheriff Joe Still Thinks Obama's Birth Certificate Is 
Forged, Warns That Trump Has Been Swallowed by 
Big Gigantic Underground Conspiracy
"Two questions, Mr. Wells-Fargo CEO:  first, were you aware
 that Stumpf rhymes with Trumpf? and, second, did Senator
Warren squeeze your hand that hard?"
Apparently, Donald Trump Jr. has a sweet tooth for the 
Alt-Right and White Nationalism.
CNN chief Jeff Zucker defended the hiring of former 
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, 
saying "I'm a hungry, hungry Pygmy Hippo."
Like his Dad, Donald Trump, Jr. has
a face that rhymes with 'sphincter'.
Stealth Destroyer USS Zumwalt, or
What $4 Billion Looks Like During the Day
Zorak Speaks #2
"The main problem with the 'Both Sides Fallacy' is there 
are usually more than two sides and Donald Trump 
has taken them all at one time or another."

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"Western women will be sacrificed 
on the Altar of Skittles!"
Troglodytes Love Trump, Trump Loves Troglodytes
Zorak Speaks #1
"When you're 70, like Trump, Banal Leakage 
can be a serious problem."

Monday, September 19, 2016

Podunk Political Hack Gets a Kasich Stuck
in His Throat