Saturday, October 18, 2008
believe in God and endorse Barack Obama for President. Just
don't baptize me again!"
Barack Obama,
Christopher Hitchens,

Guinean economist who's been following the presidential race
in the U. S. very closely for the past two years. What I've been
hearing from candidates in both political parties is 'Lower
Taxes On....Suspend Tax Rules That....Accelerate The Tax
Write-Off For....Reduce Capital Gains Taxes For....Eliminate
Taxes On....', et cetera. So here's what I'd like to know. Given
the fact that the national debt of the U. S. now exceeds
$10 trillion and the budget deficit for the fiscal year just passed
was almost $500 billion, isn't talk of more tax cuts rather, shall
we say, uncivilized?"
Federal Budget,
National Debt,
New Guinea,
United States

towns that I get to visit, and in those wonderful little
pockets of what I call the real America, being
there with all of those hard working, very patri-
otic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this
great nation. That's why I can hardly wait to enter
New York City, that hotbed of anti-Americanism,
and appear on Saturday Night Live. And, thanks
to Senator Ted Stevens, the show will be piped
into Wasilla through the Internet tube you see behind us."
into Wasilla through the Internet tube you see behind us."
Charles Gibson,
Sarah Palin,
Ted Stevens,
TV Shows
Friday, October 17, 2008

sometimes it's easy to get a little bit discouraged,
when, you know, when you happen to turn on
the Rachel Maddow Show when your cam-
paign staffers will let you turn on something
other than Fox News. Usually, they're like 'Oh
my gosh, don't watch. You're going to, you
know you're going to get depressed.'"
paign staffers will let you turn on something
other than Fox News. Usually, they're like 'Oh
my gosh, don't watch. You're going to, you
know you're going to get depressed.'"
Fox News,
Presidential Race,
Rachel Maddow,
Sarah Palin
Thursday, October 16, 2008

John McCain's propensity for sticking out his tongue.
Those who incline toward a medical explanation say
it's a symptom of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.
But those who incline toward an aesthetic explanation
say it's a natural reaction to the vomitous colors of
Cindy's outfits.
Body Language,
Cindy McCain,
John McCain

plan, I have a question for you, Joe. I'm in the process of
replacing the showerhead in my bathroom, and I'm trying
to decide between a Delta Faucet with Magnatite Docking
and a Moen Inspire Five Function Wallmount. As a plumber,
what would you recommend?"
what would you recommend?"
Rabbit of Caerbannog turned out to be something of a
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Monty Python,
William Ayers
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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