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Saturday, June 25, 2022
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #1,004
Bobby Lawrence
Go ahead, call him a 'Mitt Romney Republican'.
He's tough, he can take it.
Oopsy Poopsy!
Warm Scuzzies #1,204
Jeann Lugo
Little Known Alternative Fact #12
'Cattywampus' is Mike Pence's favorite word.
The Percentage of Fox That's Fox
the Percentage of Fox That's News
Now that the opponents of abortion have won the battle,
if not the war,
what issue will energize the Republican Party
in the future?
How many years will it take to clean up this mess?
President Biden Lashes Out at Supreme Court
What to Wear to Celebrate the 4th of July This Year
"I feel misled," said the
Caturday Burglar
"Shall we play a game once more?
Let's call it 'Qwordle'."
Warm Scuzzies #1,203
Sean Loloee
Sammy Alito, Ladies Man
Friday, June 24, 2022
"Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you!"
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
Maybe Joe Manchin and Susan Collins should
throw a Pity Party.
We Had to Destroy the Village In Order to Save It
Clarence Thomas says the Supreme Court 'should reconsider'
contraception and same-sex marriage rulings.
Why Thomas
the interracial marriage ruling
(Loving v. Virginia, 1967)
was unclear.
Susan Collins Wins Another Award
Follow the logic of the Supreme Court's abortion decision
before you can say
Le Petite Mort
birth control
and masturbation
will be criminalized as well.
Susan Collins Sez: “This decision is inconsistent with
what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their
testimony and their meetings with me."
Against Stupidity, God Himself Is Helpless
Semi-Automatic Battle Rifle Porn Made His
Whole Body Hard
"For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall
prepare himself to the battle?" (I Corinthians 14:8)
Farcical Fascism Is Still Fascism
Samuel Alito's Cat
We are often told that no one is 'above the law'.
Does this mean everyone is 'below the law'?
Oxymorons for Our Time #211
Settled Law
Matt Gaetz,
Mo Brooks,
Andy Biggs,
Marjorie Taylor Greene,
Louis Gohmert,
and Scott Perry sought pardons for their
roles in the failed coup d'état.
The smart money is on Jeffrey Clark for the
Schlub of the Year Award.
On Fido Friday, the director barked, "That's a wrap!"
“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest
to me
and the Boy Wonder.”
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Trump and His Pet Thumbster
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #1,003
Russell Vought
Warm Scuzzies #1,202
Kenneth Klukowski
Kelli Ward, Arizona Hateball
World's Worst Yobs #449
Gary Abernathy
Bumper-Sticker Lover Says He Doesn't Own a Car
Even in the mythical gun-loving wild, wild west,
sheriffs wouldn’t allow guns into town.
Bacon-Wrapped Crust Deep! Deep! Dish Pizza is a real
It helps to think of the Supreme Court as the judicial wing of
Capitol Hill Insurrection.
Henceforth, we should name all mass shootings
like we name hurricanes, e. g.,
Bloodbath Clarence.
"The bad guys won."
To: Senator Ron Johnson
From: Monica Lewinsky
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #1,002
Mayra Flores
Republican Strategist Matthew Dowd Sez: "The Republican
has become a toxic waste dump of this Big Lie autocracy
and denialism."
Equal Time for All Mysterious Beings, Especially
Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, and Other Hairy Monsters
A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away . . . .
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Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #1,004Bobby Lawrence
Go ahead, call him a 'Mitt Romney Republican'.He's...
Oopsy Poopsy!
Warm Scuzzies #1,204Jeann Lugo
Little Known Alternative Fact #12'Cattywampus' is ...
The Percentage of Fox That's Fox and the Percentag...
Now that the opponents of abortion have won the ba...
How many years will it take to clean up this mess?
President Biden Lashes Out at Supreme Court
What to Wear to Celebrate the 4th of July This Year
"I feel misled," said the ingénue.
Caturday Burglar
"Shall we play a game once more? Let's call it 'Q...
Warm Scuzzies #1,203Sean Loloee
Sammy Alito, Ladies Man
"Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute ...
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
Maybe Joe Manchin and Susan Collins shouldthrow a ...
We Had to Destroy the Village In Order to Save It
Clarence Thomas says the Supreme Court 'should rec...
Susan Collins Wins Another Award
Follow the logic of the Supreme Court's abortion d...
Susan Collins Sez: “This decision is inconsistent ...
Against Stupidity, God Himself Is Helpless
Semi-Automatic Battle Rifle Porn Made HisWhole Bod...
"For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who s...
Farcical Fascism Is Still Fascism
Samuel Alito's Cat
We are often told that no one is 'above the law'. ...
Oxymorons for Our Time #211Settled Law
Matt Gaetz, Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs,Marjorie Taylor ...
The smart money is on Jeffrey Clark for theSchlub ...
On Fido Friday, the director barked, "That's a wrap!"
“Just say the election was corrupt and leave the r...
Trump and His Pet Thumbster
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #1,003Russell Vought
Warm Scuzzies #1,202Kenneth Klukowski
Kelli Ward, Arizona Hateball
World's Worst Yobs #449Gary Abernathy
Bumper-Sticker Lover Says He Doesn't Own a Car
Even in the mythical gun-loving wild, wild west, s...
Bacon-Wrapped Crust Deep! Deep! Dish Pizza is a re...
It helps to think of the Supreme Court as the judi...
Henceforth, we should name all mass shootingslike ...
"The bad guys won."
To: Senator Ron JohnsonFrom: Monica Lewinsky
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #1,002Mayra Flores
Republican Strategist Matthew Dowd Sez: "The Repu...
Equal Time for All Mysterious Beings, EspeciallyBi...
A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away . . . .
There needs to be a third line on this shirt:"DR. ...
Rusty Bowers willingness to vote for Trump in 2024...
Finger Pointers are too high strung and stubborn t...
Married and divorced four times, Nonagenarian Bill...
Patriarch Kirill IS Terror in 3-D!
In lieu of prayer, the people of EasterIsland too...
Q: Which Mo Brooks should be believed?A: Neither.
South Dakota didn't become a state until1889, twen...
Sloth Urges Merrick Garland to Not Move Too Fast I...
Spontaneous Tesla Combustion to Be Added to NextEd...
Schmo Brooks Goes Out in Style
When he heard Trump call him 'RINO Senator JohnCor...
Ron Johnson Sez: “I was not involved in this at a...
Dr. Oz Dumps Trump Imagery from Campaign Website i...
Women for Trump Founder and Jan. 6 Rally Organizer...
Ideologically, Katie Britt is Mo Brooksin a red dr...
'Trump Was Getting His Advice From People Who Were...
After he ran over and killed a man, Jason Ravnsbor...
Eric Greitens says his violent video about hunting...
"What's that?""It's Senator Ron Johnson hand deliv...
We Have a Lot of Theories But No Evidence
Some say a Ted Cruz-free U. S. Senatewould be wort...
Artist's Conception of the Leader of the Confedera...
Just in Time for the Self-Help Completist onNation...
If it's Trump vs. Pence for the Republican preside...
Summer Solstice Fashion Comes and Goes
Slogans Have Consequences
The Day Missouri's Attempt to Hybridize Josh Hawle...
One of the Capitol Hill Insurrectionists is being ...
Warm Scuzzies #1,201Americans for Public Trust
“I do not wish to be related to my biological fath...
Doesn't Eric Greitens know that Missouri RINOs are...
It's easy to see why Eric Greitens' nickname is'Bo...
Lord, What Fools These Mortals Be!
Jeffree Star, who thinks a yak is the 'Diva of All...
Jeffree Star Pondering HisNext Big Yak Attack
Eric Greitens Sez: "If anyone doesn’t get the met...
There will be a special FRIGHT BREAK during Eric G...
Makes John Roberts sound like a bartender making a...
When a would-be presidential assassin says it's 'k...
"Three people claiming to be 'sovereign citizens' ...
According to a local bishop, this is Satan's Headq...
Eric Greitens, Big Game Hunter
If you don't exercise your rights,they'll get out ...
Shushi. It's What's for Lunch.
Flying the Juneteenth Flag in Texas While the Stat...
Debunking the Theory of the Mastriano Race
Gas Prices or Hunter Biden? Which will topple Ame...
Migrant Caravan of Space Aliens Headed Toward Earth
A Message From All the Happy Peoplein Montreal
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