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Saturday, May 22, 2021
Mark McCloskey Takes Aim at the Republican
Nomination for U. S. Senator
Are you sure your cat is locally owned and operated?
Proud Boy Gets Rehomed
Rick can now spend more time
with his family.
The Onion
Sues Tucker Carlson for
'Territorial Infringement'
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #888
Nan Hayworth
When he's not Zen Bowling, Zippy likes to unwind
by visualizing budget deficits and money growth.
There's hardly anything sadder than unemployed zombies.
Young Contortionist Listening to
Steely Dan's
Pretzel Logic
Republicans Explaining Their Vote Against
Asian-American Hate Crimes Legislation
If you spot a Yeti, you are in the Himalayas.
If you spot a Yooper, you are in the
Upper Peninsula
of Michigan.
"Hey, Bud, whatcha lookin' at?"
"Yogi and Boo Boo trying to escape Jellystone Park."
"That's good lookin'!"
You may remember this guy's campaign
last year against V-neck T-shirts.
Resistance to Caturday Is Futile
Friday, May 21, 2021
Peter, Son of Doocy, Seeks Answers to Questions
in the Skies and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
Matt Gaetz Attributes Joe Biden's November Victory
to 'Mechanized Ballot Laundering'
Four Maskless Jackasses Walk Into the House
"I do what I want on Fido Friday."
Great News for Cartoon Bears!
Warm Scuzzies #1,044
Anthony Bouchard
As a young physicist, he had had great difficulty
distinguishing between Einstein's
and Frankenstein's daughter.
Please keep in mind this chart represents
only the most common
coronavirus conspiracy theories. There are many others which,
as they say, are 'off the chart'.
Right-wing radicals, who masquerade as 'conservatives',
have been cancelling culture since the days of Joe
McCarthy. That's always been their job.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
'EmasculaTED' Trending Again on Twitter
Once thought not possible, Kevin McCarthy and
Mitch McConnell have become whiter.
"According to a new book, Obama called Trump a 'madman',
a 'racist, sexist pig', 'that fucking lunatic' and a 'corrupt
The Private Side of Barack Obama
Money is the duct tape of the GOP.
Factoid of the Hour #24
Threat Display in the Animal Kingdom
Mind-Body Dualist
Now that there's a glimmer of light at the end of the
COVID-19 tunnel, do you think we should hold
on to the YearQuil LiquiCap we haven't taken,
just in case?
Essential Reading for the
Biblical Literalist
Gulliver's Travels
they are called 'Yahoos'.
Today they are called 'Trumpniks'.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Little Known Fact #74
Mystery Science Theater 3000 exposes a
long-hidden injustice.
In any other workplace in America,
Marjorie Taylor Greene would have
been shown the door long ago.
Ipsy Dipsy Sez: "Ditch the infrastructure talks
with Republicans."
A sac is a pouch within an animal or plant. Most people
know Gamera has seven sacs.
Some would argue Governor Abbott is underrated.
when it comes to threats to public health.
Flag Desecration #127
Warm Scuzzies #1,043
John Tyson
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Crochet Penis Blanket Afflicted with
Restless Balls Syndrome
Liz Cheney, Unbound, Strides Proudly
into the Political Wilderness
January 6, 2021: Day of the Short-Bus People
Two Famous Eds Not Too Famous
Franklin Graham Refuses to Say Whether
2020 Election Was Legitimate
Yes, Virginia, there really is a Bad Axe,
Michigan, and White Supremacist Justen
Watkins lives there.
Andrew Giuliani Announces Candidacy for New York
Governorship, Claims to Be More Popular Than
Perineum Sunning
Monday, May 17, 2021
"OMG, this is Leopardy?"
A Romance of the Road
Ancient Israel was protected by Yahweh.
Modern Israel is protected by Iron Dome.
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Apartheid Clyde's ACME Rocket Company Strikes Again
1 hour ago
4 hours ago
Politics Plus
Open Thread March 6 2025
14 hours ago
Disaffected and it Feels So Good
Drunk Van Orden shits on a fired Veterans Affair employee as he shits on America
1 day ago
Blue Gal
It's the Corruption, Stupid
2 months ago
The Aristocrats
XH 411-420
6 months ago
Urantian Sojourn
We Don’t Need A New Theory Of EVERYTHING
9 months ago
So Far From Heaven
Draw an Ask Old Jules card on YouTube
1 year ago
kezzela 2
Thoughts on Christmas new Thursday 13
4 years ago
Alternate Brain
Saturday Emmylou Blogging
4 years ago
Outta the Cornfield
The Sound Of Not Silence
5 years ago
Lady Fearguth's Garden of Earthly Delights
Fabulous Fall Color
5 years ago
Zen Comix
2019 Predictions
6 years ago
Fly's Picture Place
Around The Neighborhood
6 years ago
Teresa Evangeline
Finding Balance
7 years ago
Outrage - There is no other response
7 years ago
Lennar and Atlantic & Pacific are creating more homeless in San Diego
7 years ago
Julieta Venegas aux Docks de Lausanne
7 years ago
Opinions You Should Have
Trump to Deport Ninth Circuit
8 years ago
The Vigil
Tony Blair Finally Confesses
9 years ago
Fried Green al-Qaedas
9 years ago
She's BEYOOTIFUL And She Knows It
10 years ago
WTF Is It Now?!?
BASTARD WHO WON'T DIE is in the news again..........
11 years ago
I'll Never Forget the Day I Read a Book!
On Hiatus
12 years ago
Dispassionate Liberal
Oh, and restrict TV access to FOX News only
12 years ago
The Book of Cletis
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Mark McCloskey Takes Aim at the RepublicanNominati...
Are you sure your cat is locally owned and operated?
Proud Boy Gets Rehomed
Rick can now spend more timewith his family.
The Onion Sues Tucker Carlson for 'Territorial Inf...
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #888Nan Hayworth
When he's not Zen Bowling, Zippy likes to unwind b...
There's hardly anything sadder than unemployed zom...
Young Contortionist Listening to Steely Dan's Pret...
Republicans Explaining Their Vote Against Asian-Am...
If you spot a Yeti, you are in the Himalayas.If yo...
"Hey, Bud, whatcha lookin' at?""Yogi and Boo Boo t...
You may remember this guy's campaignlast year agai...
Resistance to Caturday Is Futile
Peter, Son of Doocy, Seeks Answers to Questions Ab...
Matt Gaetz Attributes Joe Biden's November Victory...
Four Maskless Jackasses Walk Into the House
"I do what I want on Fido Friday."
Great News for Cartoon Bears!
Warm Scuzzies #1,044Anthony Bouchard
As a young physicist, he had had great difficultyd...
Please keep in mind this chart represents only the...
Right-wing radicals, who masquerade as 'conservati...
'EmasculaTED' Trending Again on Twitter
Once thought not possible, Kevin McCarthy and Mitc...
"According to a new book, Obama called Trump a 'ma...
The Private Side of Barack Obama
Money is the duct tape of the GOP.
Factoid of the Hour #24Threat Display in the Anima...
Mind-Body Dualist
Now that there's a glimmer of light at the end of ...
Essential Reading for the Biblical Literalist
In Gulliver's Travels they are called 'Yahoos'.Tod...
Little Known Fact #74Mystery Science Theater 3000 ...
In any other workplace in America,Marjorie Taylor ...
Ipsy Dipsy Sez: "Ditch the infrastructure talks wi...
A sac is a pouch within an animal or plant. Most p...
Some would argue Governor Abbott is underrated.whe...
Flag Desecration #127
Warm Scuzzies #1,043John Tyson
Crochet Penis Blanket Afflicted with Restless Ball...
Liz Cheney, Unbound, Strides Proudlyinto the Polit...
January 6, 2021: Day of the Short-Bus People
Two Famous Eds Not Too Famous
Franklin Graham Refuses to Say Whether 2020 Electi...
Yes, Virginia, there really is a Bad Axe,Michigan,...
Andrew Giuliani Announces Candidacy for New YorkGo...
"OMG, this is Leopardy?"
A Romance of the Road
Ancient Israel was protected by Yahweh.Modern Isra...
Andrew Clyde Re-Enacting the Siege of the Alamo
He: "So that's the Iron Dome."She: "Sure doesn't...
"’Tis some visitor tapping at our chamber doorOnly...
Trump Noise Machine Parked Somewhere inSouth Florida
That look you get when you try to imagine Bill Gat...
To Whom Does Trump Pledge Allegiance?
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #887Matthew Lohmeier
Smoking Gun Believed to Be a Big Tobacco Import
UFO Influencers Vs. Conspiracy-Minded Streaming Pl...
Somewhere in South Florida
Remember Levi Johnston? No? Good!
So Embarrassing!
Man Claims He Has Already Stolen the 2024 Election
MAGA Bin Loony
Early Trumpnik and Anti-Masker Butch Cavendish Tau...
Warm Scuzzies #1,042Richard E. Jackson
Fearguth's Unfamiliar Quotations #1A rolling ourob...
Local Man Claims Orgone Box Re-ActivatedHis Wife's...
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