Saturday, November 19, 2011

Lieutenant John 'El Chicharrón' Pike
Bull Connor Redivivus
Pornocop Giving University of California Student a 'Facial'
Warm Scuzzies #236
Linda P. B. Katehi
There's only one thing to do when Newt Gingrich starts
Duck and Cover!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Still Life with Cellphone, Kissing Gourami,
and Three Wax Fruits
Oxymorons for Our Time #113
Old News
"I need more blood, lots of it, now!"
Given his role in the Obama Administration,
Jay Carney is aptly named.
If you think Jan Brewer looks hideous on the outside, you
should see what she looks like on the inside.
If you can grasp the concept of Victoria Jackson as 'chick',
there's a new weekly web program called 'PolitiChicks'.  If
 it lasts and as the participants age, the show may eventually
become 'PolitiHens' and start selling eggs on the side.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"What's that?"
"Well, it used to be Newt Gingrich, but he couldn't
withstand the glare of the spotlight."
Herman Cain Granted Patent for Innovative
Kochsucking Technique
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #344
Lauren Pierce
"Is there a doctor in the house? I've got all these things
twirling around in my head!"
John Lennon's 'Bed Peace' Sign Sells for $154,000, More
Than One of Elisha's Bones or a Piece of the True Cross

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Oxymorons for Our Time #112
Gingrich Surge
Brain Scan of Woman Hearing That Today Is Silvio
Berlusconi's Last Day as Prime Minister of Italy
Warm Scuzzies #235
Jeff Kappel
According to Tucker Carlson, Jack Abramoff "is a genuinely
nice person."  And, apparently, Jack's three-and-a-half year
stint in a Maryland prison for mail fraud, conspiracy, and
tax evasion has made him even nicer.
In Syria, the cops shoot to kill.  In Seattle, they only use
pepper spray to keep unruly 84-year-old women under
 control.  We should be thankful.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Copper Thieves Raid Lincoln's Tomb,
Not a Red Cent Left Behind

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tutti Frutti and Black Walnut:  The Tale of Two Dips