Saturday, March 20, 2021

World's Worst Yobs #438
Jonathan Turley

It’s About Heritage, Not Hate

"Who's that?"
"That's the only person who hasn't accused 
Governor Cuomo of sexual harassment."

Matt Gaetz is Rootin' for Putin.

Is Florida's ban on nonnative species 
bad news for Trump?

Wasting Away in Coronaville

President Biden Trips While Boarding Air Force One, 
Don Jr. Falls Flat on Face

Friday, March 19, 2021

Big Bigots, Little Bigots #138
Laurence Silberman

Expect Resistance When You Try to Teach a Calico Cat 
the Value of Non-Fungible Tokens

Good Little Doggie

Attacks on Asian-Americans Sparked by Trump Virus

Next on Let's Go Birding:  The East Texas Flycatcher

Self-Help Help

Inspirobot Wisdom #1

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Warm Scuzzies #1,023
Richard Hopkins

QAnon Shaman's Shaman

Big Bigots, Little Bigots #137
Chip Roy

It's 1984 and Vladimir Putin knows who called him a
'beady-eyed thug'.

Don't call the assault on the Nation's Capitol on January 6 
an 'insurrection'.  That term gives Louie Gohmert the fantods.

Fool's Gold

Is Georgia Sheriff Jay Baker having a 'very bad day' yet?

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Empire Poops Out

Warm Scuzzies #1,022
Arthur D'Andrea

Aaron Long, who shot and killed eight people, sums up his
life as "Pizza, guns, drums, music, family, and God."

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Laugh While You Can, Monkey-Boy

Another GOP Champion of Law and Order

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts Declares March 20
'Raw Meat on the Menu Day'

Monday, March 15, 2021

Step Away from the Voting Booth, Democrat, 
and Nobody Gets Hurt

Warm Scuzzies #1,021
George Pierre Tanios

Trump Remembered for His Plan Not to Have a Plan 
to Distribute COVID-19 Vaccine

When it comes to Hitler impersonators, Timothy
Hale-Cusanelli, a veteran of the Capitol Hill
Insurrection, is known for his "extremist, radical 
views pertaining to the Jewish people, minorities
 and women."

Sunday, March 14, 2021

'Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
tell that its sculptor well those passions read'

Chinese Sculptor Creates 'Trump, the Buddha 
of Knowing of the Western Paradise'

World's Worst Yoobs #222
Emily Jashinsky

Have you received your 'stimmy' from #MoneyBaggJoe?

Remember when the Democratic Party used cocaine
to buy your vote?  Greg Abbott does.

The Star Falls on Alabama Again

Cancel Culture is better than no culture at all.

A Snurk is an unintentional Snark.
This is a picture of the Three Snurks.

'Election Integrity' is the Republican way of saying,
 "Only gonna be White people votin' in this here election."