Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Vigilante said...

Good one!

One Fly said...

And bring your papers just in case if you really think you want to leave as much as a penny of yours there.

Fearguth said...

This really hurts, because the Grand Canyon has always been one of my favorite places on Earth.

One Fly said...

My comment was a bit harsh. I will probably still visit the northern part of the state. I don't spend much money anyway but if I were to there would probably be some questions asked on where they come down on certain issues before they get may of my dimes.

I will go to Flag but no further south.

Fearguth said...

My primary source of Arizona info is Jon Talton, the Rogue Columnist (http://roguecolumnist.typepad.com/rogue_columnist/). His latest post is typical of his deep insight into Arizona's troubled soul.