Monday, February 14, 2011

Now that Shawna Forde has been convicted on two counts of
first-degree murder, will the Minutemen American Defense
Corps ride in at the last minute to save her?


One Fly said...

Maybe giv'em some of old time guvmint and string this killer up right outside the court house doors on the front lawn of the nearest church. The church is my idea.

Fearguth said...

Wouldn't crucifixion be more appropriate outside a church?

One Fly said...

that would work for me too

montag said...

Arizona is a lethal injection state. Perhaps they could omit the pain killer from her batch when they hit the plungers.

Fearguth said...

Montag, I think you may have hit upon a new motto for Jan Brewer's state: Arizona, The Lethal Injection State.