Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Life with Michele Bachmann, James Lileks,
and a Breast Pump


pygalgia said...

I think that may be the scariest pic you've ever posted.

Fearguth said...

Especially when you remember Michele has a law degree from Oral Roberts University.

Dr. Psycho said...

Gee, I have been searching for half an hour for nude photos of Michele Bachmann, and this is the first one I have found.

Why isn't there as much hatefuck porn of her as there is of Sarah Palin, who is merely stupid and venal, while Bachmann is violently insane?

Fearguth said...

I'm waiting for someone who's searching for a picture of James Lileks as a suckling.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so gullible!! That is a horrible photoshop job!