Thursday, September 06, 2012

"You say my tax returns have been kidnapped and are 
being held for ransom?  That makes my brain hurt!"


Grung_e_Gene said...

We need a photoshopped image of Romney ala Mel Gibson in Ransom, scremaing into a phone "Give Me Back My Tax Returns!!!"

However, I don't trust this at all and any revelations from them I would doubt as it smacks of a set-up to get Democrats ranting about Romney and then have the right-wing blogosphere pull a Ha ha they're fake! And since they're fake Romney is squeaky clean. We Win!

Fearguth said...

If I were a betting man, I would say it's probably a hoax. But, it does keep the issue in circulation.

i beati said...


Fearguth said...

The issue? His refusal to come clean and release his tax returns.

Fearguth said...

The issue? His refusal to come clean and release his tax returns.