Sunday, March 09, 2014

“You see our movement at its core is an intellectual 
movement.  We are based on the greatest ideas ever 
conceived in the mind of man." 


montag said...

Ideas like that used to get you a heavy sedative and a nice soft, darkened room.

Fearguth said...

You've heard of Iron Man? She's Irony Woman.

Professor Chaos said...

You mean the "movement" that is so wedded to anti-intellectualism they think climatology is disproven each year by the arrival of winter?
The folks who think that scientific evidence tells us less about the world than ancient Hebrew mythology?
The people who view anyone with a good education as an "East-Coast Ivy League elitist?" That's your "intellectual movement?"

Fearguth said...

Do you suppose a daily dose of Metamucil would help this movement?