Monday, July 28, 2014

Wonder Woman Sez:  “I grew up castrating 
hogs on an Iowa farm, so when I come to 
Washington, I’ll know how to cut pork.  
Washington’s full of big spenders, and 
I'll make ‘em squeal.”


One Fly said...

I believe it very hard to get any hog nuts these days. They do it real early. This was nothing but pure torture. Don't miss any of it and don't know if it's any more humane these days or not. I crave hog fries a lot because they taste reeeeal good.

As for the post don't wanna know the whole story. It's not hard to find these types. Day in day out you post them. Damn near like a job.

Fearguth said...

My father liked 'Mountain Oysters' but I never developed a taste for organ meat. When we had fried chicken back in the day, my sister always ate the liver and the gizzard.

One Fly said...

Gizzards are hard to beat. Most people won't even try one.