Saturday, March 26, 2011

President Obama recently named Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of
GE, to head the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
At the time, the President said, "He understands what it
takes for America to compete in the global economy."
Apparently, what it takes is for GE to make $14.2 billion
in profits in 2010 and to pay $0 in taxes.


One Fly said...

and amerika says yo to that

Fearguth said...

The Obama/Immelt action should be filed under 'Mergers and Acquisitions'.

montag said...

Neutron Jack Welch was no fool when he hand picked his successor.

Fearguth said...

Would you say GE is a subdivision of the Obama Administration, or vice versa?

montag said...

GE is the parent company. However, like NBC they have only a partial ownership in Obama.