Monday, December 05, 2011

John Danforth Sez:  “I’ve been watching some of these
Republican debates and they’re just terrible. Terrible.  It’s
embarrassing for me as a Republican to watch this stuff.”


Cirze said...

A Republican can still be embarrassed?

How old is this guy? I guess he doesn't get out much.


Fearguth said...

Despite being a former Senator from Missouri and an ordained Episcopal priest, Danforth has nonetheless endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Talk about embarrassing!

Vigilante said...

SDince today would have been my father's birthday, I'm finding myself thinking if he would be embarrassed.... Probbaly not.

Fearguth said...

My father, who died in 1982, wouldn't have understood what Danforth was talking about. He was totally apolitical and an avid coon hunter. He knew what was important in life and what wasn't.