Tuesday, July 07, 2009

If that donkey hopes to make any headway toward universal
health care, it's going to have to shed some of that big pharma
and insurance industry baggage.


Betsy said...

At the American Donkey and Mule Society we never thought this picture was funny...
I must say though that your caption is as perfect as one could be for the photo (and it isn't even funny, more like tragic and discouraging)

Fearguth said...

What brought picture and caption together for me was an interview David Shuster had with Senator Carper, Democrat from Delaware. David wanted to know if there was any connection between the $300,000+ the pharmaceutical and insurance industries had already donated to his 2010 re-election campaign and the fact that the Senator opposes the 'public option'. You can guess what his answer was.

Betsy said...

'Who Me???'

Fearguth said...

Bingo! And you still have two guesses left, Betsy.