Sweeping generalizations is a task best left to janitors, sanitation engineers, and other experts in broom management.
Michael Steele Voted 'Mr. Strategist' by Double 6 Domino Players League
"Although he's much too modest to say so himself, Prime Minister Berlusconi is a lot like Jesus and Napoleon. Is it any wonder, then, that he's the most popular leader in the world today?"
Pageant Paid for Blonde Joke's Boob Job
Suede, with grosgrain ribbon laces and metallic pink toe caps, Michelle Obama's Lanvin sneakers cost $540. Sounds outrageous until you realize that's only $270 a foot.
Another Fissure Opens in the Republican Road to Nowhere
President Says Supreme Court Nominee Must Be 'Sober as a Judge', Must Not Hiccup Irresponsibly
Although there is no evidence the H1N1 virus can be transmitted over the Internet, some cybernauts are taking no chances.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Epidemiologists fear the worst is yet to come in the cable news pandemic.
"Sure, you can call me Honey."
Four Reasons Justice Souter Is Retiring: 1) Antonin Scalia, 2) Clarence Thomas, 3) John Roberts, and 4) Samuel Alito
Party Pigs Celebrate Renaming of Virus from 'Swine Flu' to 'H1N1 Influenza A'
World's Worst Yobs #91 Jay Severin
As a rule, you reach the 'tipping point' after you finish your meal.
"The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new survey."
Statue of Reimbursement, Repayment, and Restitution
Should've Been Separated at Birth (But Weren't)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Beltway Boys Finally Coffinized After Being Moribund for Over Ten Years
Fearguth has just arrived in Memphis, Tennessee, where he will be enjoying the Beale Street Music Festival, May 1-3, 2009. Posting may be a bit spotty and irregular over the next few days, but he's making no promises.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #39 Virginia Foxx
When Painters' Masks Simply Aren't Enough
Why does President Obama need Secret Service protection when he's inside FBI Headquarters?
Acting U.S. Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Financial Stabilization Neel Kashkari was stumped when the Congressman asked, "Why don't you shave your eyebrows, too?"
"Need a better name for 'Swine Flu'? May I suggest, 'Gidda Grippe'?"
The news is that U.S. officials want 'swine' out of the name of the flu that's going around. Pinky and Perky think that's a great idea and are ready to party.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Representative Jim DeMint (R-SC) told Rick Sanchez today that "the biggest tent of all is freedom." He even showed Rick a picture of it.
"Please don't start calling Senator Specter a 'Blue Tick Democrat'. That would really offend my hound dog sensibility!"
Mike Carona, former sheriff of Orange County, had reached into his pocketful of miracles again, but this time he came up empty-handed. He'd now have over five years in prison to figure out why God had forsaken him.
"Congratulations, Mr. Kiriakou! Your reward for telling whoppers to ABC News, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, CBS, the Washington Post, and the New York Times is to become a senior staff member with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."
Is the Porter Goss who is now condemning the release of the torture memos the same Porter Goss who hired Dusty Foggo--now in federal prison--and who resigned suddenly and mysteriously in 2006 as director of the CIA? Normally, the answer would be 'Yes', but since the essence of the CIA is deception and deceit, it's hard to say.
"Pardon me for keeping my distance, but in my opinion,
more swine are likely to die from the fear of getting the flu than from the flu itself."
"Scientists have only recently confirmed what indigenous
healers have known for centuries, namely, that turquoise,
especially when worn around the neck, has powerful
anti-viral properties."
Monday, April 27, 2009
"I know torture may be hard to define, Jack, but I know it when I see it!"
If you happen to see a VW Porkubus in your
neighborhood, don't panic.
A new ABC News Poll shows that 69% of the American people approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as President. Are these the same people pundits often refer to as 'Hard Leftists'?
"Feed me!" "Stuff a sock in it, greedhead! Feed ME!"
It's only in Chapter 15 that you learn Tim Geithner and The Clutching Hand are one and the same.
Fearguth's Hall of Wackos #38 James Bopp, Jr.
How to Kiss a Catholic During a Pandemic
Wall Street observers say John Thain and Ken Lewis aren't nearly as annoying when their mouths are closed and they whine through their noses.
Since the banksters put their economy in the toilet, Icelanders have decided to return the favor.
Rumor has it that Matt Drudge thinks he has died and gone to fearmongers' heaven.
As a devout Muslim, is Mahmoud Abbas immune to swine flu?
There Was a Crooked Man Who Had a Crooked Face
Isn't it about time to pull the plug on David Broder's judgments of right and wrong? His conscience is on life support and his moral sense has been in a persistent vegetative state for years.
Latest Poll Shows 50% Believe America Headed in Right Direction on Wrong Track; 48% Believe America Headed in Wrong Direction on Right Track; 2% Missed the Train
South Korean Student Takes Precautionary Measure Against Swine Flu
Had it received 38,000 doses of antiviral medication from the Centers for Disease Control, Texas might have been spared the worst effects of the Great Swine Flu Invasion of 2009. Unfortunately, by that time, the Governor of Texas had led a successful campaign to have his state secede from the Union.
Republican Rump Quartet Releases New Career Retrospective, "Gimme That Old-Time Kabuki"