Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Christian concept of 'forgiveness' sounds appealing
until you get down to cases. Should we forgive Donald
Rumsfeld, for instance? Maybe Jesus has the power
to forgive him, but mere mortals, like you and me, have
a much harder time, knowing, as we do, how much blood
is on his hands and how many sorrows he has inflicted on
our species.


Distributorcap said...

runseld, rove, rice - dont forgive any with an r and in the past adminsitrion

StonyPillow said...

Allah is merciful, but he is also just.

Anonymous said...

I'll forgive after he apologizes - and an apology consists of 4 parts;
1. Rumsfeld acknowledges what he has done.
2. Rumsfeld says he is sorry for what he has done.
3. Rumsfeld swears he will never do it again.
4. Rumsfeld makes full restitution.

He might get stuck on #4, but i'll wait.

Kathryn in MA (forgot my password)

Michael Hart said...

They're all lucky God as a Father transcends God as a Judge.