Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"The Center Crumbles!" the headline at The Politico laments. 
 The last time there was such bad news was when the headline
 at The Pompeian Daily News read, "Vesuvius Erupts!" 


montag said...

The center, as well as the jowls, sag, droop and waggle when they talk.

Fearguth said...

Yep, not much difference in the center or circumference, is there?

R W Rawles said...

Recalls Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.'s 1949 book The Vital Center: The Politics of Freedom. Nothing vital here. Now...

Fearguth said...

R. W., I own a copy of the first edition of Schlesinger's book, a book I read long ago. That was when the center was between Karl Marx and Joe McCarthy. Now, the center is somewhere between Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh. I read an essay by Matt Taibbi last night about Joe Lieberman, "Bush's Favorite Democrat." God, what a loathesome political entity! And he's supposedly in the 'center'!